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The IP image of the Buddhist Huier originated from the Buddhist ChAT expression pack released on the wechat platform in 2018, "it's OK" has become the mantra of the Buddhist youth for the third consecutive year. Huier's cute and intelligent image has become a good antidote to the current social anxiety and an active promoter of a harmonious society. At present, there are more than 13million wechat expression pack users, with a broad user base. In 2022, fohsi Huier released two series of digital collections, the "year of the tiger of fohsi" and the "panda of fohsi", on taopai, a professional platform based on the Conflux, which were liked by many collectors. The emergence of Huier of the Buddhist system is in line with the psychological demands of people in the world today: to pursue inner peace, not to participate in meaningless irrational disputes, to advocate the outlook on life of working hard and following fate, and to be a mature and happy person.

Guangzhou Huier Culture Communication Co., Ltd
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Analects of Confucius